About Linking

A Link-Group:

  • Can contain up to 6 LQ devices  or up to 6 of a combination of HelixNet Main Stations and LQ devices
  • Must have one unit designated as Link-Master
  • Performs a “best effort” approach to creating a mesh network between all the devices within the group.

A mesh network of linked LQ  devices

Linking units

The only way to join devices to a Link-Group is through the Linking page of the CCM. Only the IP address of the Link-Master is required during this set up.

See Create a Link-Group for detailed instructions.

LQ restricted IP range

LQ units use the IP range 172.23.xx.xx for linking. Because of this, this IP range should not be used for any devices (including LQs) when working with the LQ Series system. 十大正规体育平台 cannot guarantee reliable behavior if this address range is used.

Linking over a LAN

This is the simplest way to link devices together. This type of environment enables the highest potential level of communication quality and the best availability of resources. When linking over a LAN, set Link-Group Optimization to LAN/WAN routed network in the Linking page of the Core Configuration Manager (CCM) for best latency performance and use of resources.

Note: External linking is disabled when Link-Group Optimization is set to LAN/WAN Routed Network.

Linking over Internet or WAN

When linking over the public Internet, addressing of the Link-Master becomes more complicated as the Link-Master must be made externally reachable to all Link-Members. This is achieved by creating port forwarding rules within the firewall.

Note: A HelixNet/LQ Link-Group does not operate over the Internet. This is because the codec that HelixNet uses (WavPack) is not optimised for the Internet. Internet connectivity when using HelixNet and LQ is achieved using a tie line.